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May 26, 2000
(but really some time ago)

So it's early in the morning... maybe around 3-4 am out here in California. You could call it the "armpit" of the day. The dead of night. CNBC is on the television in the background talking about the apocalypse that is the stock market. Liz Claman, Emmy winning reporter, news anchor, and most importantly -- Cal Grad, is on the air. Suddenly a news report flashes onto the screen. Elian Gonzales has just been taken out of his cousin's house at gunpoint. Confusion reigns. People are screaming. They show a photograph of a black jacketed and armored officer pointing an assault rifle at a little boy held in the arms of the fisherman who found him floating in the ocean.

And then it's over. Elian is no longer a news story. Little Elian joins Darva Conger on the list of people who've had their 15 minutes in the spotlight.

And the nation moves on.




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