So about five years ago... I get this e-mail. It's from a Cal student and she suggests I do an X-Files spoof. So I go off and some time later, I go ahead and do a series on it. She writes back and I offer to send her the originals. Time passes while I procrastinate. The simple act of finding an oversize envelope and mailing off the strips proves too much for my feeble intellect and organizational skills. Eventually, I lose a computer hard disk and all the e-mails on it. It looks like I'm doomed to Dante's eighth circle (Malebolge).
Five years pass.
And then last week, she e-mailed again.
Check out her website, Peggy Li Creations. She hand-makes designer jewelry worn by the likes of Lisa Ling and the women on Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.